This weekend was the annual Lanesville Heritage Weekend. I'm not sure how long they have been doing it, but it's one of my favorite small town festivals. The people are nice and the scenery is beautiful.
Eden has always loved carousel horses. I don't know how long it will last, but I savor it. As long as she love riding it, I can still convince myself she's still a little girl, and will be forever. I can't believe she's going to be 9 in just a few short months.
Jacob is usually my wild child, we are constantly after him to behave or telling him no. He was so good yesterday. All three of them were so well behaved this weekend.
Jacob on the train. I love this black and white with the hints of red. Look at that precious face!
A tractor ride to take us back toward our car. To bad this one went around the other end of the festival parking lots and not the end we parked at.
But we did enjoy the ride through town.
Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and when the guy slowed down to pick up another passenger I asked Michael to sit with them. He's the best daddy I know.
Hogs Tavern, aptly named seeing as there are always motorcycles parked in front of it.
And the biggest part of this festival... the various stages of restored tractors. This one looked like it was at least 90% restored, if not completely and we both really liked this one. You could tell the owners put a lot of time and effort into restoring this wonderful old tractor. I hope everyone is having a good weekend!