I missed posting last weekend, we've been a little busy and I should be paying bills and getting to bed because 7 am comes early especially when the twins don't sleep through the night. Anyway. Here is a hodgepodge of pictures that we have taken from last weekends fair in Corydon, IN and our twins birthday/anniversary trip to French Lick again this weekend. Enjoy!

The boys driving the big rigs on the midway at the county fair.
Me and Eden waiting for the boys to finish their ride so we can see what's next. I actually like this picture of me.

Here's what was next. Only about 5 of the rides were worth getting on to. The field that they were in was nothing but a mud bog! It was awful!
And what kind of post would it be if I didn't have a light motion picture? These are some of my favorite pictures to take. Mike actually took this one. I love this one, because the fun house in the background and the man standing in the foreground are both in perfect focus. Sometimes you can click on the pictures and it will blow them up. I hope this is one of those pictures.

Here's Eden with her buddy, Taylor and the dog she won by throwing darts at a target on the midway. She actually hit two in a row to earn this prize. I'm pretty impressed. I don't think I could have done as well.
Now on to French Lick and West Baden, as well as Patoka Lake Beach.

Not the best picture of her, but kind of the norm when she knows you are taking her picture. She loves to ham it up! I'm still loving the cute haircut! Check out my other blog to see more about her haircut.

Here is the well that is fed by the sulphur springs in French Lick. If the picture is big enough, you might be able to read that it says "When nature won't Pluto will" They call it the Pluto Springs. The boys were so funny. Tyler's new favorite thing to say for about the last month has been "What's that smell?" and he says it with a twang so it comes out more like Schmmellll. This time, he didn't even ask, he just said "Man, that water stinks!" and crinkled his nose until we were clear of it.

Here is the replica of the Japanese garden. The original was prettier. The hotel has been renovated and so many things had to be recreated.

Here are the kids in the garden at West Baden. This hotel has been used for several different things and had almost gone to complete ruin and has now been completely restored. I don't know exactly how much it cost because it's getting late and I can't remember but I know it was hundreds of millions of dollars.

The floor and the dome were mostly destroyed and now have been restored to this beautiful hotel. The dome used to be the largest until the Astrodome was built in 1963. It was built in 1902. Michael and I hope to stay in this hotel some time, it's just really expensive and French Lick sends us offers to stay in their hotel for free because of the casino being connected to it.
I hope you enjoyed my small town snapshot sunday pics. Sorry it's such a long post. I had quite a bit of catching up to do.

Last but not least, a little whimsy. Michael wants to drive this truck. It is located in the small town of Palmyra, IN. It's so small, if you blink to long, you'll miss it!